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Erbolinea Prestige Ambrata ERBCARDAMBRA, 3 amber fragrance cards
"Erbolinea" - is a prestigious line of home fragrances with unique, enchanting and long-lasting scents. "Erbolinea" - an expression of natural simplicity.
The story of this house fragrance began in 1995, in a small laboratory in Southern Italy. "Erbolinea" created home fragrances from carefully selected extracts and high quality raw materials, creating unique aromas that are diffused into the environment, revealing the Italian craftsmanship. Timeless, unusual and sophisticated, creating an atmosphere of hospitality "Erbolinea" The scents of the house will instantly captivate your guests, creating a special mood and a cosy environment.
Erbolinea „Prestige Ambrata“ pakabinamas kvapas namams – tai 3 gintaro aromato kvepiančios kortelės, kurios idealiai tinka dėti į spintas, spinteles, stalčius ar automobilį. Jų skleidžiamas malonus kvapas išlieka itin ilgai. Tai modernaus dizaino ir inovatyvių technologijų gaminys, kuriame nėra skysčių. Kortelės pagamintos iš nekenksmingo termoplastiko.
Tinka dėti į spintas, spinteles, stalčius, automobilį ar bet kur namuose ir darbe, kur tik norite paskleisti malonų ilgai išliekantį aromatą.
Warnings: 1. Tai nėra žaislas. 2. Laikykite vaikams nepasiekiamoje vietoje. PRARIJUS: nedelsiant kreiptis į medikus. 3. Laikykite sausoje, vėdinamoje vietoje. 3. Nelaikykite aukštesnėje nei 70°C temperatūroje. 4. Naudokite tik pagal paskirtį. 4. Kenksmingas gamtai: nemeskite į vandens telkinius ir gamtoje.
Additional information
The product photos are for illustrative purposes only and are representative. The video links in the product description are for informational purposes only and the information contained therein may differ from the product itself.The colours, inscriptions, parameters, dimensions, sizes, functions and/or any other features of the original products may appear differently than in reality due to their visual characteristics, so please refer to the product characteristics as indicated in the product descriptions. If you have any questions, you are always welcome to call us on +370 640 62333 or by email